Welcome to M28I Ministries

About Us

M28I Ministries was officially birthed on September 1, 2021 in Atlanta, Georgia United States through the Spencer Family. While preaching at home, God revealed to them that “Ministry Starts At Home.” The emphasis on the word “home” means our relationship with Jesus Christ should start within our own lives (our bodies, our minds, our hearts, etc). This slogan, “Ministry Starts at Home” embodied the future development of the fore-coming M28I Ministries, bringing our home and local church to be broadcasted to various cultures, people, languages and places around the world.

Support The Mission

We are always looking to plant new platforms for schools in reached and unreached areas around the world, bringing forth collaborative integration between evangelism and discipleship through ministry, missions and marketplace. We believe this will transform the unsaved and believers to fulfil the Great Commission. Therefore, if you are touched by our activities, you can support us in any way possible.
Our Gallery

Some photos and videos from our outreach events across the world.


There is a platform for you

We have the vision to bring forth unified - global platforms in making disciples of all nations, where becoming a disciple. for Jesus Christ is an everyday learning experience

We’re Here To Help You Grow

Through Jesus being the cornerstone, the Body of Christ (known as the church) thrives as one unified ecosystem. We have different roles to play in the development of the Kingdom, whether we find ourselves in the ministry, missions and/or marketplace sector. As a non-denominational organization, we are committed to helping you grow spiritually, physically, financially and socially so you can be better equipped to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
We are constantly churning out powerful spiritual and educational content. If you’ll like to hear about our next updates first, submit your email below and join our list.



    Donations are an important part of supporting our ministry and helping us make a positive impact in the world. Your donation can help us provide resources and support to people in need, expand our programs and initiatives, and share the gospel message with more people. We welcome donations of any size, and all donations are tax-deductible.
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