About us

About us


Faith: We believe that faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of our ministry. We are committed to sharing the gospel through our words and actions, and to helping others grow in their faith through discipleship and training.

Prayer: Prayer is the foundation of our ministry. We believe that through prayer, we can connect with God and seek His guidance in all that we do. We encourage everyone to make prayer a daily habit and to seek God’s will in their lives. We believe that prayer is powerful and that it can bring about transformation in the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

Evangelism: We are committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with all people. We believe that everyone needs to hear the good news of salvation and that it is our responsibility to share it with them. We believe that evangelism is not just about sharing words but also about demonstrating the love of Christ through our actions. We are committed to reaching out to those who are lost and sharing the hope that we have in Jesus.

Discipleship:  We believe that discipleship is essential for spiritual growth and maturity. We are committed to helping people grow in their faith and to become more like Christ. We believe that discipleship involves teaching, mentoring, and modeling what it means to follow Jesus. We are committed to providing opportunities for people to learn and grow in their faith and to encourage one another in their journey.

Leadership: We believe that leadership is essential for effective ministry. We are committed to developing leaders who are humble, servant-hearted, and passionate about serving others. We believe that leadership is not about power or control but about serving others and putting their needs before our own. We are committed to providing leadership training and development opportunities for those who are called to lead in our ministry and in the wider community.

Technology: We are committed to using modern technology and digital platforms to share the word of God and engage with people in new and innovative ways. We believe that by staying up-to-date with the latest trends and tools, we can reach more people with the message of Christ.

Unity: We believe that the body of Christ is made up of many parts, and we are committed to building a strong and supportive community of believers. We provide a common space for training, fellowship, and support, and we work to empower people economically through our various programs and initiatives.

Accountability : We are committed to excellence in all that we do, and we strive to be good stewards of the resources that God has given us. We believe that by operating with integrity, excellence, and accountability, we can make a greater impact for Christ in our community and beyond.

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